The Most Dangerous News About Most Dangerous Person Dajjal, Watch Video

The Most Dangerous News About Most Dangerous Person Dajjal, as you all know about this dangerous who come at last day of the world and approve his self as God and show out many activates through which everyone going fall in fair. And as one thing which every-one keeping his mind is that Dajaal having just one eye on his face which is the most unique identity and the news which have make a huge issue in all over the world is that one baby born in Israel and this baby is not a just baby the most dangerous thing is that this baby having one eye on his face existing at the center of both eyes. After coming this news on the top of media one question come in every-one person’s mind, is that baby Dajaal?  Why that baby having one eye of his face?

According to different themes and different speech’s and proverbs prove different identities about the last day of world when everything become destroy and on such day Dajaal become appear on top of the world and said that I am God. And keeping this speech and the born of one eyed baby in mind only one question come in every-one mind, Is this Dajaal?